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The Most Common Mistakes in Customer Service

The Most Common Customer Service Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Customer expectations are very high nowadays. To provide an excellent service experience, there are several key factors that businesses need to consider. In this article, we highlight the most common customer service mistakes and how to prevent them. By implementing various strategies and leveraging technical support, these customer service issues can become a thing of the past.

Poor Availability

A significant issue in customer service is limited support hours, typically confined to the company’s regular business hours. Customers often find it challenging to align these hours with their own availability due to work and other commitments. Additionally, peak times tend to occur during the opening and closing hours, leading to long wait times. This results in customer dissatisfaction and projects an unreliable image of the company.

Solution: Relief Through (Partial) Automation

However, this problem can be easily solved. With enhancements like a self-service portal or a chatbot (both telephonic and written), customers can submit their service requests immediately. Subsequently, the automated handling of simple inquiries provides additional relief for the support team.

Furthermore, accessibility through various contact channels should be enabled to meet the diverse needs of customers.

Inadequate Monitoring

Sources of errors can best be uncovered through analysis and data. Without monitoring tools, or if these tools provide only limited insights, many customer service issues remain undetected. Integrated tools that offer a wide range of insights, from call duration to sentiment analysis, provide a significant advantage. Consequently, unnoticed errors can be easily identified and corrected.

Solution: All Key Metrics at a Glance

With the LinkThat CORE dashboard, you have all the critical data of your contact center at your fingertips. Custom wallboards, developed in collaboration with clients, offer a significant advantage: service agents and supervisors stay up-to-date as all essential metrics from various sources converge in real-time.

Long Wait Times

Being stuck in a queue forever is one of the most common issues in customer service. To prevent long wait times, implementing intelligent speech recognition can be very effective. During the wait time, important information can be gathered to route the caller correctly and handle routine tasks automatically.

Solution: Make Use of the Wait Time

The dynamic ECCO Attendant guides callers through the conversation automatically, understanding intentions and responding accordingly. Important data is collected while customers are in the queue. This way, customers make productive use of their wait time, and service agents receive all relevant information directly.

Availability of Customer History

When customers have to provide their information anew with each contact, valuable time is lost on both sides. With an integrated omnichannel solution, these issues are a thing of the past. All data from various contact channels is consolidated and integrated into a customer profile. This gives agents access to the complete history of customer interactions, enabling them to respond effectively to new issues. Consequently, both agents and callers save a lot of time and frustration.

Solution: Seamless History - Automatically!

From customer identification to automatic contact history: with seamless integration, LinkThat CUBE provides a comprehensive overview of your data.

Inadequate Training of Agents

Only a well-trained team can provide excellent customer service. There are many sources of error, from lack of knowledge and incorrect information to insufficient empathy, which can result in a poor service experience.

Therefore, it is crucial to train all agents appropriately and provide them with high-quality training. Today, these essential steps are facilitated by AI tools. These tools ensure that guidelines are followed by agents during calls, and training time can be reduced by 8 to 10 months with dynamic assistants.

The Right Technology to Address
Customer Service Issues

By leveraging the right technologies, the most common customer service mistakes can be avoided. These solutions simultaneously increase efficiency and significantly improve customer satisfaction.

With our practical experience, we know the best starting points. Our integrations and tools provide a foundation for the future of customer service. This creates customer loyalty and satisfaction with minimal effort.

Innovative Solutions

At LinkThat, we offer tailored integrations and AI tools that elevate customer service to a new level. Contact us today to find the best option for your industry.

* Findings from Stanford University, April 2023: Erik Brynjolfsson et al., “Generative AI at Work.”

Picture of Harald Kerschhofer

Harald Kerschhofer

Harald was one of the first developers at LinkThat and has been producing creative content for and about our products since completing his media studies.

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