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project uno

The Intelligent Caller Distribution for the Austrian Health Insurance Fund


Since the merger of the Austrian regional health insurance funds into the Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK), there has been a central contact point for all concerns of insured persons. To ensure that they quickly reach the right experts, our automatic intelligent caller distribution helps ÖGK even before the call is answered.


Since ÖGK is now responsible for all federal states at the same time, the central hotline receives an enormous volume of calls. Especially at peak times, callers may be on hold longer than expected. In order to make good use of this waiting time, ÖGK has decided to use LinkThat software to deliver questions to the callers. By answering them, they can reach the right destination more quickly.

Solution potential – intelligent caller distribution

In the age of smartphones, “Press 2 for Lower Austria” has had its day. That’s why a completely voice-based solution is being used. LinkThat ECCO Attendant relies on artificial intelligence and the latest advances in speech understanding. The caller’s statements are interpreted and the correct target is determined accordingly.

Implementation & Outlook

The seamless integration into ÖGK’s existing contact center system was achieved in close cooperation with IT-Services der Sozialversicherung GmbH (ITSV). Since the first day, the system works around the clock. It brings 8 out of 10 callers directly to the right team. All voice data is interpreted live during the ongoing call and is not stored permanently.

Thanks to the high stability and success rate of LinkThat’s solution, further projects are already being planned at ÖGK and ITSV. Artificial intelligence effectively supports employees in this case. At the same time it provides a more pleasant calling experience for the insured.

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